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Italian roasted coffee beans, whether dark or medium, offer rich, bold flavors with hints of bitterness and full-bodied aroma

About Us

Discover stories about coffee and the visions behind our team.

Where We Blend Passion With Precision To Infuse Your Enterprise With The Essence Of Italian Excellence.

As a supply and consulting company, our commitment is to carefully curate and deliver the finest Italian goods and coffee supplies, ensuring the unmistakable quality and cultural richness of Italy are upheld and celebrated globally. Indulge in a taste of Italy with each meticulously sourced and shared product.
"Hands cradle cocoa beans, the fruit of cocoa trees, leading to a rich cocoa powder, a testament to nature's bounty and human
Picture a cozy Italian café with soft lights, vintage books, and colorful ceramics. Wooden tables hold coffee-sipping patrons
Founded by Matteo Colombo, as project from the heart,  aiming to share his culture, his core values, and bring the best parts of Italian lifestyle here to the United States of America.

Working hard in the USA is something we at Cami Kao deeply respect. , Allow us  to assist you. To bring our network and skills to bear on your enterprise. Work less and enjoy more.  We bring an Italian authenticity to all that we do.

About Us

Italian roasted coffee beans, whether dark or medium, offer rich, bold flavors with hints of bitterness and full-bodied aroma
Once upon a run...After working a long shift, Matteo finally dropped into the runner's "zone"... His thoughts a business name that would capture the essence of his visions. His love. His family. All was tied to the visa, the business, and the reason to stay in USA.

He glanced up at the sky and all at once saw a shooting star boldly streak across the sky.  In that brief, magical moment, it was as if the universe whispered an answer to him.

“CamiKao,” He said aloud and breathed out, feeling a rush of clarity and connection.  It was a deep "Yes".

“Cami” for Camilla, for his magical niece  and “Kao” for cocoa, the cornerstone of his cafe supply venture.

His worries of the visa and how to start the  business were still there, but all was lighter. 

It was days later, upon relating his name choice to a an ex-professor at the local Cafe, that he discovered that in Japanese 
“Kami” represents spirits or deities,  while “Kao” means face.  CamiKao  therefore represents both a personal inspiration with a deeper spiritual significance of divine empathy for humanity.

Night of the
Shooting Star

shooting star.jpg

Matteo Colombo

Hailing from Saronno, Varese province, Matteo Colombo was an established Personal Trainer and Manager of multiple fitness centers.

During his free time he competed in Ultramarathons.  


Fate brought him to California in 2020...he thought for only one year...

Read about the "Night of the Shooting Star" and his decision to stay by establishing CamiKao, bridging the two worlds of Italy and USA.




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